Ульянов Денис

EKF ReBranding

EKF ReBranding

Flavir electronics company; this is a vibrant firm with trading in the international market; it produces low-voltage devices using its own production capacities in Russia and abroad under the trademark of EKF.

Task. Сreate a logo that would speak out of the company’s business and would position it as an international enterprise with a powerful potential.

Solution. For the image solution, the idea was to liken the company’s activities with the electric ray species. A deeper idea underlying this mental association consists in a reflex connecting the status of this sea animal to the company image: electric rays are large and beautiful fish, which although they are not predators do not have any enemies or competitors, which makes them look pretty powerful. This also shows in the dynamics of the symbol which demonstrates the company’s development and growth.

The font, in which the abbreviated name of the company is typed, adds brightness and memorability to the logo by corresponding to the plastic guiding tracks of the symbol and perfectly supplements the composition. The colour solution too serves to underline the company’s leadership, vibrancy and technical might.

2015 Moscow, Russia

Awards and publications

  • Sandu 360/ Cultural Media. Branding: A Way of Business

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